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Empire Records Quotes

Here are some quotes from Empire Records (this page is mostly inside jokes with Laura & I.. and anyone else you was as amused by Empire Records as we were)

Joe: Lucas......?
Lucas: Joe.......?
Joe: Where's the money?
Lucas: Joe, the money is gone.
Joe: Yeah, I know it's gone. Where's it gone to?
Lucas: Atlantic City.
Joe: Atlantic City?
Lucas: Yeah.
Joe: Is it coming back from Atlantic City?
Lucas: I...I don't think so Joe.
Joe: What's it doing in Atlantic City?
Lucas: Recirculating.
Joe: Recirculating...?
Lucas: MMMMeeehhhh
Joe: (Joe knocks done bucket of coins.)
Lucas: Are you pissed off Joe?
Joe: Lucas?
Lucas: Joe?
Joe: Lucas?
Lucas: Joe?
Joe: Lucas listen to me. I told Mitchell Beck that you forgot to deposit the money. I told Mitchell that the money was still here.
Lucas: Joe, that's not true. It's in Atlantic city. I swear.
Joe: Shut up...sit down and don't you move.
Lucas: It could be in other cities by now..
Joe: Oh, shut up. Under no circumstances are you to move from that couch. Unless it's to get me $9,000, and then you bring it here to me. Ok?
Lucas: Joe, I think it's going to be Ok.
Joe: What makes you think that?
Lucas: Who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear. MMMeeehhh.
Joe: Moron.

Joe: Why don't you hold these up to your chest, go over to the wall; and let them take some photgraphs of you?
Warren: Why don't you shove them up your ass?
Lucas: Because...that would hurt a lot, Warren.

Joe: How old are you?
Warren : Old enough to kick your butt through your skull and splatter your brains on the wall.
Joe: Yeah, he's a minor.

Eddie: Hey Lucas man, I heard that you like went to Vegas and married a mobsters wife and now there's a hit out on you.. is that true?
Lucas: Not entirely true.
Eddie: Oh, well, outlaw man.. we salute you.
Lucas: Well thank you Eddie.

Gina: Well Sinead O'Rebellion. Shock me, shock me, shock me with that deviant behavior.
Debra : That is so clever. I swear you get smarter the shorter your skirt gets.
Gina: Yeah, and you get smarter the shorter your hair gets so it's good you went with that.
Debra: Yeah

Debra: No visible tattoos.
Gina: No revealing clothing.
Debra: We're both screwed. At least you're used to it.
Gina: Now Debra, don't be bitter. Certainly with your ever growing collection of flesh mutilating silver appendages and your brand new neo-Nazi boot camp make-over; the boys will come a runnin'
Debra: Let's not fight, let's just rip.

Lucas: Who's your favorite singer?
Mark: Axl.
Lucas: Well, if Axl Rose was driving down the highway and saw Rex Manning stranded on the side of the road. Do you think Axle Rose would stop and help him?
Mark: Does Axle have a jack?
Warren: No way man, Axle would spin the wheel, take aim, pound the gas; and take that sucker out.
Lucas: Warren, Warren, where do you get this hostility from?

Debra: Hey Lucas, is it true you committed the perfect crime?
Lucas: Not entirely perfect.


A.J.: Mark, listening to this crap is guaranteed to make you sterile.
Mark under his breath: Maybe I want to be sterile.

Debra: I tried to kill myself with a Lady Bic. A pink plastic razor with daisies on it and a moisturizing strip.

Warren: Stop calling me Warren. My name's not f@#$ing Warren.
Eddie: His name isn't Warren.
Corey: His name isn't Warren.
Berko: His name isn't Warren?
Mark: I thought his name was Warren.

Lucas: The long arm of the law has embraced our dear friend, Warren.
A.J.: Don't drop the soap.
Lucas: Yeah, Don't let the Man get you down, Warren.

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